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What does doing business look like during a pandemic?

Gar Walsh

As businesses across the US reopen their doors they have many resources at their disposal with guidelines available from the CDC, the WHO and directly from the White House. These lengthy documents go into great detail about the strategies necessary to ensure a safe environment for employees and customers.

For employees, these strategies span communication and training, cleaning and disinfection, and procedures such as daily health checks. While there is a lot of detail on each strategy to be implemented, it is up to each business to decide which tools to use and how much technology should be involved.    

There are many business incentives related to a technology first, data-driven approach.

We developed GatherSafe to provide our customers with a user-friendly, privacy-first platform that makes it easy to:

  • Mitigate risk of illness for staff and guests when doing business during COVID-19
  • Manage brand perception for employees and customers
  • Leverage data to gauge effectiveness of their COVID-19 response strategy

Risk mitigation

It may be tempting to return to business without tackling the considerable amount of work necessary to institute all of the appropriate policies and procedures. Businesses that fail to take a holistic approach to their re-opening strategy leave themselves open to the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak among staff or customers.

Aside from the obvious public health risks, these outbreaks will likely result in further shutdowns, more lost revenue and at worst, substantial financial liability.

GatherSafe allows businesses to manage pre-screening requirements for employees and customers such as daily health and symptom questionnaires, temperature checks, and COVID-19 testing. This helps to minimize the risk of an outbreak and the associated liability.

Customer and employee perception

While it’s true that many customers are eager to patronize their favorite businesses and attend upcoming events, many will only do so when they are sure that every precaution has been taken to assure their safety. By publicizing the use of technology such as GatherSafe, businesses can assure their customers that consistent and proactive measures are being taken to pre-screen each and every person that comes through their doors, minimizing the risk of any transmission of COVID-19.

The same is true for employees. There are many people who have been out of work for weeks or months and while they will be glad to return, they will feel much more secure in doing so knowing that their employer is doing everything possible to ensure they do not contract COVID-19. In the longer term, employers who have demonstrated a willingness to make a concentrated investment in employee wellbeing will find it easier to attract and retain talent. GatherSafe dashboards and informational pages can be made available to employees to keep them informed on the specifics of their employers efforts to keep them safe.

The importance of data

The GatherSafe dashboard anonymizes and aggregates all the prescreening and entry data generated by patrons and employees using the app. This makes it straightforward for businesses to gauge the effectiveness of their entry requirements and make decisions about changes to their strategy.

Rules and regulations regarding doing business during the pandemic are in a constant state of flux. The ability to demonstrate successful execution of a reopening strategy using hard data rather than anecdotal evidence will be a key part of communication with local and state government in the upcoming months and reports generated by GatherSafe can play an important part in these conversations.

Over the coming weeks, we will dive deeper into each of these topics and explain in detail how the functionality provided by GatherSafe addresses each challenge listed.

Stay tuned!

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