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GatherSafe for Resorts

Gar Walsh

Growing up in Ireland, I didn’t see much snow. In fact my most prominent memory of a white Christmas is winter 2010 when an uncharacteristic storm almost left me stranded on the way home from Sydney where I lived at the time. It took thirty-six hours, two flights, a train across the UK, a ferry to Ireland, and a car ride to Galway to get home in time to celebrate with my family, and I just about made it in time!

Fortunately for me, my uncle lived in Munich for some time and my aunt lives in Pennsylvania, so between sporadic winter visits and a few trips to Thredbo in Australia and Queenstown in New Zealand, I managed to become a mediocre snowboarder. But that may change for the better this year!

With so much work happening remotely at the moment, I have been fortunate enough to move to South Lake Tahoe, surrounded by some of the best ski resorts in California.

Summer on the mountain

Some resorts, like Heavenly just a few miles away, have been open all summer, and have had their busiest summer season in recent memory; and when you think about it it’s not that surprising. The great outdoors is one of the only places people feel really secure in having fun at the moment. The risk of transmission of COVID-19 is minimal outdoors and as long as we take the right precautions, getting outside to hike, bike or run is a great way to alleviate some of the stress we have all been feeling for the last few months.

So what happens when it starts to snow? Well, much the same really, just at a much greater scale. More resorts will be open, many more people will visit, and of course there will be a need for more members of staff.

The resorts that have opened for the summer season have done a commendable job in keeping staff and guests safe and healthy. This has been accomplished by policies and procedures such as social distancing, the requirement to wear a mask indoors, no-touch-no-cash transactions for food and beverages and regular employee health checks.

Scaling up for Winter with GatherSafe

For the most part, the tools and processes put in place for employee health screening have been successful. Numbers are relatively low and some resorts have even made do with pen and paper symptom questionnaires.

But these impromptu processes do not scale well and they don’t provide any of the benefits of a purpose built, tech-forward solution.

That’s why we are talking to some of the biggest resorts in the country about using our flagship product GatherSafe to standardize, automate, and scale employee health screening processes for the winter season.

How Does It Work?

It couldn’t be easier to use. To be cleared for work, employees capture health screening data in the GatherSafe app (or in an existing employee app that has been integrated with the GatherSafe platform).

The required data is specific to every resort but may include:

  • Symptom questionnaires
  • The results of on-site checkups
  • COVID-19 test results
  • Eventually, vaccination status

Shilling does all the work to integrate GatherSafe with HR, health and safety, and compliance platforms to seamlessly fit into existing processes.

What are the benefits?

As well as automating the employee health screening process, our customers benefit by:

  • Mitigating the risk of an outbreak of COVID-19 (and thus limiting their liability).
  • Leveraging real-time data to gauge the effectiveness of their COVID-19 response strategy and adjust accordingly.
  • Using the tools provided to take proactive, data-driven actions if an outbreak does occur.
  • Optionally providing aggregated data to customers, employees, and local and state government to display their commitment to public health and safety.

We have spent countless hours researching the most effective processes for a safe winter season on the slopes and we are always willing to share our findings for the good of public health and safety.

If GatherSafe sounds like the right fit for you, please get in touch:

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